segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

No, you didn´t, Christopher!

I was pushing some chapters of New Moon, Bella is even worse than I remembered, it´s freaking annoying. So I watched the Gentleman Prefer Blondes I´d bought (you know how you gotta check if they are properly working and all...). Marilyn was better than I remembered. In the book I read about her, they say she started the "serious" acting classes a couple of movies after GPB, but I think she was already very good. She plays the "silly" blonde with perfection. Why did they bug her so much about it? Or better yet, why don´t  they bug people like Nina Dobrev (though now that she´s playing the Bad Girl she showed fairly good acting skills)? She looks almost as dead as Bella. Either way, it looks like all the nice, cute set of shots they do today have come from some old movie - had never noticed those shots at the store fronts in Paris before.
But then mum and I started that marathon and watched some Gilmore Girls. We got to the 2.14 (It should have been Lorelai? Something like that) and stopped and I´m so bloody mad. Christopher (aka Rory´s dad) went to Rory´s debate thing and brought Cherie, his girlfriend (loved the name), with him. And she´s all neat and tidy and babbling about wanting to meet the perfect Rory and wanting to take her out to get to know her better, meanwhile telling Lorelai that there´s no reason for them to become friends, or get to know each other at all. It´s not like she´s Rory´s mother. Or the owner of the house she lives in. Bitch. And then Lorelai has a slight meltdown on the last scene of the episode and tells Christopher that she thinks she had been sort of subconsciously waiting for him to get himself together so that one day they´d get together and play house and blablabla, but that now that he was serious about another woman she could finally get closure or whatever. And Christopher snaps at her! And yells that he´s not responsible for her unhappiness for the last 15 years and did she have anything else to burden him with. Hello? Mother of your perfect child, until this season ignored? Jackass. And then he goes outside and does the big family hug thing with Rory and Cherie while looking through the window at Lorelai. Not a big fan of cursing, but a few of them (and perhaps a smile and a certain finger) would be pardonable at this occasion.
I get mad at tv shows. I get mad at movies. I get mad at books. I yell at them, I make harsh notes on them, I give them the stink eye (the friend who read my commented Twilight books is still shocked). Oh well.
But wouldn´t you agree that if you´re watching a fiction anything, you´d expect the characters in it to do what you´d like to do but was too nervous, polite or just clueless to do? Which is why I get hugely frustrated when the men with guns don´t shoot the Evil Guy´s head while he´s abusing/threatening/brushing a knife across the throat of some scared pretty girl (have you seen that movie yet?). I´m sidetracking, habit, sorry.
So, Christopher is an idiot, and if he doesn´t apologize in some episode to come, he´s a jerk and I will root against him.
(I was looking for a certain picture of Marilyn and Jane in GPB that had an "awesome resolution", and I found this website, filled with them. Gotta love it. Remember that Woody Allen/Scarlett Johansson shoot? Didn´t she look an awful lot like this? And then I did some more digging and found Beauty Bombshells, and I´m following them, this Diana Dor picture bellow is putting Victoria´s to shame, see this post.)
Diana Dors - mental note to watch one of hers too.
(Hey, I am on the Femme Fatale Challenge)

Can´t see her moping around because of a stupid vampire.


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