terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011

College meltdown and tiny tiny ode to Ms Cabot

 (Accidentally bumped into it looking for something Gilmore Girl-y on college, this guy, Rory O´Brien has some great b&w shots.)
I started reading a new book. Well, I´ve finished it already. How does that help on that list I need to finish plus the book the Club is reading? No idea. But it beats the hell out of chocolate for the minor college breakdown. After much stress over the acceptance exams, the results finally came in and I´ve passed in all three I´d applied to (YEY), and now am facing that satisfied but equally stressful phase of picking one. By Thursday. That´s two days from now. So I needed something to calm me, and Meg Cabot usually does the trick.
I know she doesn´t have all that credit around readers and bloggers over 14, but whenever I read her (and I´ve done so since I was 11) I feel so comfy and happy and free of concern - all her novels are quick, even if they´re thick, and light, fun, easy-going. Last year a couple of friends and I went to one of her book signings and it was absolutely fantastic (but that´s a long story for another time) - to prepare for it, we reread The Boy Next Door, Every Boy´s Got One, the final Princess Diaries which had just come out, and then some others we didn´t remember entirely. It proved to be so much fun we´re thinking of reading the entire Princess and  maybe the 1-800 series to remember all the details. But, while we track down some books we don´t yet possess (no more school library to be of any assistance) I´ve contented myself with Avalon High, which I could hardly remember the story. I started last night and finished it just now. Can´t say I´m getting too old for Meg Cabot. And now I have an urge to read something about King Arthur. Wonder why.
A friend had mentioned there was a Disney movie on it, and I just watched the trailer. Good heavens, what have they done? They´ve completely changed it. It looks terrible! Someone should be fired.
Nonetheless, Book List updated.

 (I looved this picture and was trying to figure out a use for it.)

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