terça-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2011

Wish List #1

I was cover clicking (I do judge a book by the cover, no matter what they say) on my January picks by GoodReads when I found this: 

The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us 
by Sheril Kirshenbaum

It has such good reviews at GoodReads, and you gotta admit it is a compelling subject. Shame I can only order it for 4 to 6 weeks and pay a small fortune. Am adding it to the When I Go To A Decent Bookstore list.
On the author's site there's an excerpt available (really cute and in Flash, here), which only made me want to read it more.
Has any of you, wanderer of this blog, read it? And looved it? Or hated it?

I had forgotten the name of this book, and in my searching at GoodReads I found several The Art Of Kissing and alikes, which lead to these other cute books I may enjoy reading:

The Art of Kissing 
by William Cane
This one seems less scientific and more "practical guide", but it's interesting nonetheless and the reviews are equally good. I mean, who doesn't want to know more about kissing?
Plus, it's available on my thrift store website, and that is goood.

Then there are the books by this Kristen Harmel, who I'd never heard of before, but seems to be a sort of Sophie Kinsella. 

                              The Art of French Kissing    The Blonde Theory
                                                  by Kristin Harmel              by Kristin Harmel
     Italian for Begginers
         by Kristin Harmel   
Specially like the Kissing one to be set in Paris and this Italian one. (Seriously, you could write the most boring story and set in Italy - I'd read it.) I'm pretty sure it doesn't have much in language, though. I love it when teach you new expressions and sayings. Mum was just telling me the other day "Did you know the French say 'J'arrange' for everything?", and indeed, her not too promising novel had three paragraphs illustrating the French hability to manage unmatching buttoms and cheating husbands by saying that things would work itself out. It's fun. France and Italy based books are filled with stuff like that. Sort of like "Under the Tuscany Sun", "Le Divorceé" and - my favourite of all times - "A Good Year" (are there even books for these films? I know there's a Peter Mayle on the latter, but from what I can gather it's very different from the movie, so I'm a bit eery of reading it).

And this is my kiss-themed Wish List #1!
Gonna go watch Letters to Juliet, which mum so kindly rented for me to celebrate finally being on HOLIDAY. I've waited so long for this day!


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