segunda-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2011


I'm one of those people who are terribly disorganised (and sort of like that) but get a strange feeling of accomplishment and purpose whenever they start organising something. So that's what I'll do with the posts in Tumblr (there are only 21 so it can't be that hard).

I'm signed up for these challenges: Outdo yourself, Off the shelf, Femme fatale, Horror/Urban Fantasy. (And thinking about joining the Rory challenge too.) I'll be posting the books I've read in a designed post.

I've rewatched quite a few movies lately, so I'll be posting a weekly or monthly update on those.

I saw a post on BCC about  making a Wish List, which would decrease the amount of emails I send to myself as a reminder of the ones I've read the reviews and liked, so I'm thinking I'll do that as well.

And I was also thinking about finding a new good blog a week (or maybe two weeks, dunno how my schedule will be this year). Today I found The Drama Queen Can Tell Stories, which I reeeally liked. And I also have about a zillion self emails with links on them, so double plus.

And then maybe a favorite look from LookBook every week or so. That'd be a great excuse to browse it frequently.

So many projects, so little time!
Gotta go back to my Pride & Prejudice.

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